Are Osteopaths "Real" Doctors?
Doctors of Osteopahty have the same licensure to practice medicine as allopathic medical doctors. The difference is in the amount of their training and education. D.O.s receive equivalent medical training, but receive an additional 300-500 hours of study in anatomy, neurmusculoskeletal medicine, and osteopathic manipulative techniques.
Who can be treated with Osteopathy?
Depending on the training and skill level of the Osteopath, osteopathic treatment is safe for newborns, as well as people of any age.
Dr. Robert Fulford, D.O., one of Dr. Armond’s mentors, believed the birth process affects 90% of people adversely. The first breath taken in by a newborn baby sets the pattern of respiration for the rest of its life. Proper osteopathic treatment can rectify lifelong dysfunctional patterns and support the body in returning to its optimal level of functioning, no matter what your age.
How many treatments will it take before I feel better?
Acute conditions respond more quickly to OMT. The longer you have had a condition, the longer it will take to resolve it.
Shortly after an OMT treatment, you might feel a slight increase in pain. You may also have a mild headache and/or feel fatigued. These effects are temporary and usually disappear within a day or so. Any initial discomfort means your body is releasing toxins and that the treatment is working.
How many types of Osteopathic Manual Treatment or Therapies are there?
In addition to many other treatments and techniques, Dr. Armond has been trained in and utilizes (as indicated) the following techniques:
Articulatory technique
Balanced Ligamentous Tension Release
Brain Fluid and Parenchyma Technique (pioneered by Bruno Chikly, M.D., D.O.)
Biodynamic Osteopathic Technique (pioneered by James Jealous, D.O.)
Brain Spasm Technique (pioneered by Philippe Druelle, D.O.)
Craniosacral therapy
Cranial Osteopathy Technique (pioneered by William Garner Sutherland, D.O.)
Emotional Release techniques
Fascial Unwinding techniques
High Velocity / Low Amplitude (HVLA) technique
Inhibitory Pressure technique
Joint Mobilization technique
Jones Strain
Counterstrain technique
Lymphatic Drainage techniques
Mandibular Drainage techniques
muscle energy techniques
Nerve Sheath Release
Percussion Vibrator technique (pioneered by Robert Fulford, D. O.)
Progressive Inhibition of Neuromusculoskeletal Structures (PINS) technique
Range of Motion techniques
Scar Tissue Release
Shock Trauma Release
soft tissue therapy techniques
Visceral Manipulation techniques
How Does Osteopathy Work?
One of the principles of Osteopathy is that a person’s history and physical traumas are written into the body’s structure. Through palpitation (feeling), the Osteopath can assess the body’s flow of fluids, motion of tissue, and detect any tightness or blockages.
To restore normal functioning, the Osteopath applies a gentle amount of pressure to promote unrestricted movement of fluids, tissues, and joints. After releasing the blockages and restrictions, Dr. Armond positions the body so the body can regain normal, optimal functioning.
Are there risks associated with Osteopathy treatment?
A skilled Osteopathic physician can treat any on-going condition or illness. However, for acute injuries (such as broken bones, lacerations, etc.) one would seek the services of their primary care physician, especially if X-rays or laboratory testing is required.
How much does it cost?
The initial visit lasts approximately one hour and costs $295.00. If subsequent visits are needed, they are usually scheduled at two to three week intervals, except in the case of acute accident or injury.
Subsequent visits cost from $145.00 to $230.00, depending on the number of areas treated and the time involved. Most follow-up visits are scheduled for 30 minutes and cost $145.00.
Is Osteopathic Treatment covered under my insurance?
Most insurances do provide coverage for Osteopathic treatment. However, Dr. Armond does not accept insurance reimbursement. He is not a participating provider on any insurance panels, including Medicare.
Payment in full is expected at the time of service. Cash, check and major credit cards are accepted. If you request, we will be happy to provide you with the necessary paperwork to file with your eligible insurance on your own. However, in order for Medicare or Medigap patients to be seen, they must understand and agree not to file, bill or request reimbursement from Medicare or Medigap.
How do I know OMT will work for me?
As with any treatment modality, optimal treatment results depend in part on good communication between patient and doctor. If at any time during treatment it becomes apparent that these modalities are not meeting your expectations, please discuss your concerns with Dr. Armond. Neither you nor Dr. Armond are under any obligation to continue to patient-doctor relationship if it is not mutually beneficial.
No promise or guarantee of cure for any disease or condition is implied in any oral or written communication set forth by this office.
Can a D.O. be my primary care physician?
Many D.O.s do practice as PCPs. However, Dr. Armond does not. All patients are expected to have a PCP for conventional medical treatments such as, but not limited to prescriptions, scans and screenings, X-rays, laboratory tests, ultrasound, and/or surgery.
What can I expect at my first treatment?
After an interview about the purpose of your visit, Dr. Armond will begin his examination by inviting you to lie down on the treatment table. You will remain fully dressed except for your shoes.
The first visit usually employs the use of a motorized percussion instrument to loosen any tightness in the body. Dr. Armond then applies the appropriate OMM technique to restore your body to its optimal functioning. Dr. Armond will place his hand under your sacrum to assess your body’s craniosacral rhythm. This is one of many diagnostic techniques that informs him of the state of your body’s health and functioning.
Informational video produced by the Living Centre Clinic, Raynes Park SW London. The Clinic has a special interest in helping crying new born babies. Mr Jamooji & his team have extensive experience with distressed, fractitious babies and more.
“We are so thankful for Dr. Armond and the healing he brought our son with his wonderful hands. ”